N block party

The game against Coventry tomorrow will see the introduction of a new singing section at the Walkers stadium. Supporters who want to sing have been encouraged to buy tickets in the N Block of the ground, which is situated, in the family stand next to the away supporters.

The idea is that by adding this singing section to the ground it will allow all those who want to sing to be grouped up into one area and hopefully increase the atmosphere. For once this seems a credible idea by the Leicester board but as always their good intentions will be ruined by the realities.

The club will be looking for an area where people will politely sit down and clap along to the drum (which the club is kindly providing) and sing about their love for Leicester City. However, the reality is that the new singing section will turn into a block of fans who are passionate about Leicester and will want to stand up and have banter with the Coventry fans.

This may not seem such a bad thing, but when you consider the banter is likely to contain abusive language, the singing section starts to take a different form to what the board was aiming for. Add to the fact that this will all be happening in the family stand and the reality of the singing section taking off starts to look less of a possibility.

The club has stated that if the scheme is a success then the N block could be turned into the singing section of the ground next season. The only problem is that what the board considers to be a singing section is completely different to what the fans consider to be a singing section.

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